Here you can search the global LEI database. Use an LEI, name or the legal address (street, zip code, city) of an entity as a search term.
Current database: 2,077,844 LEIs from 39 Awarding authorities
Use of our LEI register is subject to Terms of Use, which you can view here.
Please note that, from our point of view, this LEI information is edited by the editorial team with the greatest possible care and, if necessary, also edited and reformatted for easier accessibility and simplified presentation. However, we cannot verify for this third-party LEI information its compliance with the current requirements of the standard and related guidelines, nor can we guarantee the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of this LEI information. For this third-party LEI information, we also cannot rule out the possibility that several LEIs may have been issued for the relevant legal entity on a global basis.