Bloomberg L.P.
LEI: 549300B56MD0ZC402L06
Company data
Name | Bloomberg L.P. |
Register | RA000602 |
Country | United States |
GLEIF category | GENERAL |
Legal form | Limited Partnership (en) |
Register no. | 2110234 |
Status | activeActive |
Entity creation date | 09.12.1986 |
Legal address and Headquarters address
Street | 731 Lexington Avenue | 731 Lexington Avenue |
Postal code | 19808 | 10022 |
City | Wilmington | New York |
Region | Delaware | New York |
Country | United States | United States |
LEI registration details
LEI | 549300B56MD0ZC402L06 |
Date of initial registration | 06.12.2012 |
Registration status | issuedThe LEI is valid. |
Next renewal date | 25.01.2026 |
LEI Issuing Authority | Bloomberg Finance L.P. (5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12) |
Direct and Ultimate Parent
Published ReleationshipLapsed Relationship
Direct Parent | Bloomberg Inc. (549300RMUDWPHCUQNE66) |
Ultimate Parent | Bloomberg Inc. (549300RMUDWPHCUQNE66) |
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