Terms of usage
Terms of use of Herausgebergemeinschaft Wertpapier-Mitteilungen, Keppler, Lehmann GmbH & Co. KG (hereinafter referred to as WM Datenservice) for the WM-LEIPORTAL on the Internet under www.WM-LEIPORTAL.org.
The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a unique identification for legally independent entities. The objective of the LEI is to provide a unique identification of legally independent entities to promote transparency in financial markets and support an improved risk assessment within the scope of financial transactions.
LEIs are allocated by WM Datenservice in accordance with the ISO-Standard 17442:2012 and the current guidelines and requirements of the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF). For this purpose, WM Datenservice has been accredited by GLEIF (this is the supervising authority in the Global Legal Entity Identifier System – known as GLEIS in short – which monitors the correct allocation of LEI) as a relevant official allocating agency, the so-called Local Operating Unit (LOU).
The purpose of the WM-LEIPORTAL provided via the Internet by WM Datenservice is, 1. to grant legally independent entities the access to the LEI registration service of WM Datenservice for the online application of LEI, 2. to provide a LEI register, and 3. to provide information about the LEI or GLEIS in the part that is generally accessible to the public, without special application and registration.
The LEI registration service is not directed at individuals as such in accordance with the objective of the LEI – unique identification of legally independent entities as per LEI-Standard ISO 17442 –, but only at legally independent entities as per LEI standard ISO 17442 (such as companies and investment funds). For accessing the LEI registration service, a registration and the conclusion of a service agreement with special terms of use is required; this is done in the course of the online activation on the homepage of the LEI online registration service.
The LEI register serves to provide information about the identity of legally independent entities (such as companies and investment funds) in legal dealings for which an LEI was registered. It is directed to the general public. However, according to GLEIF, special terms of use specified by GLEIF must be agreed in advance for gaining access to the LEI information and calling it. This is done within the scope of the registration required for it on the homepage of the LEI register.
The following terms of use are applicable for using the generally accessible part of the WM-LEIPORTAL and its content. By using the WM-LEIPORTAL, the user thus declares the consent for himself and also on behalf of third parties, for whom he is possibly using the service. If the user is not authorised to do this or the represented legal entity does not approve of this, the use of the WM-LEIPORTAL is not permitted.
All the information reproduced on the WM-LEIPORTAL as well as the services offered on it are processed and provided with utmost care from the point of view of WM Datenservice. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be assumed for the unrestricted compliance with the current requirements of the LEI standard and the relevant guidelines at any time as well as the correctness, up-to-dateness and completeness of the LEI, the LEI data and information in this regard. WM Datenservice does not assume any guarantee whatsoever for its suitability and usability for the intended purpose striven for by the user or the legal entity or other third parties represented by him. The LEI and information about it is to be used on one’s own responsibility and at the sole risk of its user.
The provision of the WM-LEIPORTAL, the information reproduced on it as well as the services offered on it are designed by WM Datenservice within the scope of the technical options and what is financially reasonable for maximum possible availability and is oriented towards the availability 24/7. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be assumed for access and availability at any time – this is particularly applicable during maintenance work and for accessibility via Internet, whose efficiency and current bandwidth are not influenced by WM Datenservice. WM Datenservice reserves the right to temporarily interrupt the access to the WM-LEIPORTAL for carrying out work related to the data backup, system and maintenance. Work that does not need to be completed immediately is generally done in times of fewer requests, unless this work can anyway be done outside customary working hours.
In case of force majeure and unforeseeable events, for which WM Datenservice is not responsible and which make it necessary to discontinue or limit their operation, WM Datenservice is exempted from the current provision of the WM-LEIPORTAL for the duration of the disability as well as a suitable start time. Force majeure is the equivalent of fire, strike, lock-out, traffic disruptions, wire faults of third parties and technical problems – e.g. of the EDP system (e.g. network failures) – as a result of external attacks (e.g. hackers or virus attacks) and other circumstances, for which WM Datenservice is not responsible, but which significantly complicate or compromise the provision of the WM-LEIPORTAL. The liability for damages due to force majeure or equivalent events is excluded.
Every link to the LEI-PORTAL as well as the integration of its content and services for LEI into separate Internet offers is not permitted without the prior approval of WM Datenservice.
The provision and use of the WM-LEIPORTAL and the services offered on it and information reproduced are solely subject to the Law of the Federal Republic of Germany. Within the legally permissible scope, Frankfurt am Main shall be mandatorily accepted and agreed as the place of jurisdiction as regards the use of the WM-LEIPORTAL by making use of it.